Genshin impact gacha pull
Do you know which banner is the best to get 5 stars ? Some people told me to summon on Klee banner, but Diluc interests me more than Klee.

Diluc is the best for me and venti good support.

i am wating zhongli 5star patch 1.1 FIGHT.

It's all entirely up on which character you'd like more based on your playstyle. I've been focusing my wishes on the Wanderlust one to try and get Diluc.

The Klee Banner statistically is actually the best way to go currently, they pretty much just use Diluc to lure you in and use that banner cause Diluc is on it. But if you do the math on the percentages, Klees banner is better.

It depends on who you want to get though. I prefer to do half pulls for both banners. Smile

If you're after units, always go for the rate up banner as it is then impossible to get a 5star weapon instead of a character, just note that its a 50% chance to get the featured unit first 5star roll with remaining 50% spread out by whichever other 5stars are in details, and guaranteed featured on second 5star roll, Also pity carries over when featured characters rotate.