Gift idea for guys
What would be a good gift idea for a guy, One that they wouldn't think they needed or wanted. So one not really related to hobbies they already have. Just a thing they would appreciate once they have it.

A candle it will change your life a real man needs some candles

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Candles are always a good idea

Honestly there are many things but your parent's support and love really helps shape you into a better person, knowing that there is someone caring for you. Not to be taken for granted and all, just appreciate it while you can because they are your biggest supporter in life.

A nice watch

Gotta agree with candle as top pick.. changed my life

I dunno about candles but some quality clothes are pretty nice. A decent electric shaver - is pretty awesome for finding good purchases.

Why is candles good for guys?

Seconding clothes, as long as you know his style and fit. Most guys don't really spend much time shopping so if you do it for us that's appreciated Big Grin

TIL I need some candles in my life