Give me a tip for someone who doesn't have any programming experience.
I want to learn programming,how should I start? 
My goal is to make a simple game. 
How did you start programming?

Learn the basics first. There are many videos on youtube that will help you. Making a game could be advanced. You could also try "Scratch" to learn the basics and make a "game" at the same time.

also, stackoverflow is your best friend right next to google. if you have a problem, they have a solution

[+] 1 user Likes Porn Hunter's post
Agreed, stack overflow is the absolute life saver.

Watch youtube tutorials or try a course like freecodecamp. When you know the basics, start with a small game and eventually you'll get to bigger projects.

You can try the book " how to a programmer "

[+] 1 user Likes dikemo3042's post
Stackoverflow is good, but when learning any language also don't be afraid to check the documentation.

I was always told RTP/RTM (Read The Page/Read The Manual) and that helps a ton. Also, check out videos on YouTube (may take some digging to find a good one) and check out Udemy for paid courses. On Udemy, make sure you wait to buy until they are on sale.

Go get an course from Udemy, maybe some local courses in your city, and start learning the basic of programming firstly !

adding on, learning to read the documentation is a skill in and of itself. It's not written for the health of the author, but of those who are using it.

Depends on what sort of game you're trying to make, UI is usually the harder part to make everything functional.

I'm always a big fan of Udemy courses. They're usually like $15 and if you get a highly rated one there's a lot of learning potential. They can also be j packed with content.