Good mindset when you face tough coding problem
I'm recently doing some at codeforces and so many problems is too tough to me.

But I like to continue to study and solve problems, 

And Is there any good method about how to deal with such problems?

Don't bang your head against a problem too long, and fight the imposter syndrome

My solution: drop it and do something else -- let the unconscious mind figure it out. Then, hours, weeks or even months later the solution just appears in my mind... or doesn't. Not very helpful for coding challenge problems I know, but just thought I'd mention. I never force my will onto anything.

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What type_oneoneone said tbh. However in a professional setting one doesn't always have the luxury.

Take a breather and untangle one by o

It's a bit of a meme but this is also true. Taking breaks where you let your brain breathe and think about other stuffs is super useful when you're stuck on a problem

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try to split the problems to smaller chunks. 5 minutes break also doesnt hurt

If you're a major procrastinator like me you'll just move onto a later problem and then come to that problem later.

personally i draw it out i think of some ideas before i write the code and while writing i usually find my problems or find a better solution

Try to break it down into smaller pieces. Can you solve it by brute force? Don't go for the most efficient solution immediately

Go away and do something else for a while, I had a bug in some code ages ago that drove me crazy for days. It turned out to be something so small but I was only able to fix it after taking a decent break away from it.