Good ways to sell old graphics cards fast?
My new PSU to accommodate the 3060ti I'm sitting on is coming here soon.

I'm a bit light in the pockets from these purchases, and thought it might be a good idea to try to sell the 1080 that's already inside for a quick turnaround. Preferably before the 20th.

What kind of options do you think could be done? Would craigslist and facebook marketplace get a quick interest, and are there better places? What kind of price should I be asking for? Safety tips?

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What I'd do is try to sell it on ebay or on used hardware forums. Your best option would be to sell it to someone you know like a friend or family member. Worked out for me, they gave me a fair price

Ebay is probably best

eBay takes a long time to get your money and you can get scammed fairly easy unfortunately

Hardware forums, if you need to sell it urgently then you just need to sell it for a cheaper price.

I think it's easier locally, not sure how that would work these days but I feel like shipping gpus has been pretty risky. Where did you end up finding a 3060 if you don't mind me asking.