Got any masturbating tips/hacks?
Hey fellow masturbators, 
So I’ve been practising the art of masturbating for about ten years now. I’ve gotten pretty good at doing it to myself, but I’m wondering if there’s anything I’ve missed. Maybe there are some life hacks you might know, for more pleasure or more intense orgasm or something. Please share!

I’m an uncut guy btw. But feel free to share tips if you’re a woman, too. Cheers to masturbating!

Get your bottom ribs taken off, now you can suck your own dick

[+] 1 user Likes Ana Skarlet's post
They said it best bro ^^

there's not much you can do as a guy unfortunately, best thing you can do is get a fleshlight. or better yet one of those interactive shits from pornhub.

A Tenga Egg is really fast and easy way if you don't want to deal with the price and care of a fleshlight. It's $5 discrete packaging and it feels great. When you're done with it just dispose it. Also if you're not into those things you can just try jerking it with high quality lube. Makes a difference.

use soap, its better that way