Greatest Series of All Time
OK, you are stuck on an island and you get to take any series to play, what series are you going with?

You going to take a series like Final Fantasy so you have tons of games to play through, or going with your favorite, or something that just has a ton of replay.  Name your series and reasons why?

For me I'm going with Mass Effect series.  I love the series and although the ending was slightly disappointing, I've gone back and played the games the most.

Final Fantasy would be a close second tons of games and great RPG's, they just lack some replayabililty.

To be honest, I don't see how Mario can't be considered the greatest series of all time.  Enormous breadth of games, all of them well made and generally upbeat.
Of course, being on a deserted island perhaps there'd be some catharsis in a game like Minecraft.  Just sit in my cave and weep at how I can't do any of that survival/crafting in the real world.  Punching trees for crying out loud, you ever punch a tree?

Legend of Zelda HANDS DOWNnnnn

For me the best series of all time is Castlevania, Symphony of the night and Aria of Sorrow are both considered some of the best games in history.

Pokemon, easily. I’ve probably replayed each gen at least a few times by now, they just don’t get boring. Especially if you do custom rules like nuzlocke, etc.

Also, if you count hacks, there are SO many good ones out there.

I’m a gta fan

Legend of Zelda. There's no contender above this.

I’d say it’s Knights of the old republic for me. Mass effect and dragon age were close but I love kotor too much

I’d personally say the Batman series is one of the best and most consistent series of games I’ve ever played, super enjoyable

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Probably Pokemon Emerald.

Best series for me would certainly have to be the Fallout series