Greatest wrestler of all time?
Big question, I know. But for me, it's the Undertaker, he's done so much and brought so much to industry and defined every era he was apart of. Abosolute GOAT. What does everyone else think?

Depends what you are looking for in best wrestler.

Best gimmick: undertaker

Best showman: shawn michaels tied with Rock

Best promo: Ric Flair

Biggest Draw: Steve Austin

Best technician: Kurt Angle tied with bret hart

Best  heel: Ric Flair tied with Vince mcmahon

Best Babyface: Mick Foley tied with Hogan and Cena ( foley didnt draw as much, but he was so loved millions switched the channel to see him win the title, changing the course of the monday night wars)

for me its shawn michaels. kept me into it during the new gen era