Anyone playing Hades lately? I felt like it wasn't my kind of game but good recommendations made me buy it. Now I have about 70 hours into the game and no intention to stop.

Anyone else here liking it? Got a favorite weapon/boon/skills whatever else? Favorite boons?

I have to say Dyonisus + Demeter's Ice Wine boon is pretty awesome. Throw in some Zeus for the Dyonisus + combination for it, and you can just cast away and most things die on their own by getting too close.

Is it a lot different from other rogue-like games?
I'm not really a big fan of that genre because it's too repetitive for me.

Damn dude I really wanna try it out but I feel like I don’t have the time to commit

Haven't played it yet but everybody says it is an awesome game, i'll give it a try later.

I totally get the being too repetitive part but it's challenging enough for it not to matter, not to mention you can use modifiers - eventually - to alter how a run might develop and get rewards.

Also I feel like there's enough variety within the game's systems to encourage experimentation and build variety.

The time commitment is fair enough, but if you happened to find it on your path in the future, pretty great buy in my opinion.