Halloween candy, what is your favorite
All the grocery stores put out their s Christmas stuff but we haven’t had our Halloween treats yet.   What is your favorite. 

I can’t go a year without eating my weight in those fun size snickers

[+] 1 user Likes This8808's post
Fun size Twix. I'll usually buy 2 or 3 bags of the halloween themed one's on clearance when the  stores are  trying to get rid of them for the other coming holidays. Also have a soft spot for candy corn seeing as it's the only time of the year it's given any push.

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I enjoy eating hersheys

Hot Tamales and any kind of limited edition Snickers there currently is, except almond Snickers. Those were bullshit, but Snickers with white chocolate were god tier.

I rarely eat candy, but I am a sucker for the fun size Snickers. Kit-Kats or Milky Way are a close second.

Candy corn. The way the hard, smooth outside smoothly gives way as the warmth and saliva in your mouth melts the sugar is just A+.
Add to that the fact that it's pretty cheap and nobody else seems to like it means more for me!

Butterfingers!! by far the best

Definitely candy corn, just something about that special treat that I ONLY see around Halloween. Please don't vote me off the island

WTF just because there isn't trick or treating doesn't mean retailers get to skip Halloween. That's fucked. Snickers the GOAT candy bar idc what anybody has to say.

Twix and Reeses

hershey's is the best

I like Kit Kat’s and Twix. Both very good.

I loveee twix

My favorite candy would be KitKat. But I guess that’s more of a chocolate, so I would say jelly bellys or sour patch.

My favorite candy would be KitKat. But I guess that’s more of a chocolate, so I would say jelly bellys or sour patch.

Peanut M&M for sure.

I enjoy snickers