Happy Stuff
I just had the idea to create a topic where everyone who wants to can share happy things. This could be a short story with a happy moment in your life or just a picture making people laugh.
I consider myself as serious but if many of you participate we can hopefully brighten up our mood together Smile

Fun fact: Blind people smile even though they’ve never seen anyone else smile.


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Now that covid is a thing, I think traveling with friends was one of the more happier moments in my life. Back then I thought it was the norm

I’m alive and haven’t lost anyone close to me to this virus. I’m really thankful for that. Hopefully things will brighten up soon for the world.

"Viagra has the ability to extend the life span of fresh cut flowers for up to a week longer than their normal limit. Zing!"

Interesting fact Big Grin
I'm wondering how someone found that out...