Hardcopy or Digital?
The title says it all; do you prefer to download your games or have physical copies on hand?  There are valid arguments to be made for both cases.  Maybe you're a collector that likes having their collection or archive on display.  Maybe you prefer the convenience of not needing to change out discs or cartridges.  Possibly an split somewhere down the middle depending on the game in question.

So, what's your preferred format?

Hardcopy because you can sell it, if you dont like it.

Hardcopy is a great experience you do feel like you have got something unique, but the digital is just better, except you can sell a hard copy, but it only works with ps/xbox games

digital is better however i prefer the disc cause then i can simply sell the game after

but digital is ofc easier to deal with

I didnt think people still had a disc drive. How long before the digital games are the only alternative?

Digital because then I can login on any device and play