Has anybody received the COVID-19 vaccine yet?
I just want things to go back to normal again man. Seems like it'll take at least another month before my country gets its first order of the vaccines.

Then it'll be at least mid-2021 before a sizeable amount of people are vaccinated here.

Has anybody received the vaccine yet? What's the roadmap for rolling out the vaccine in your country?

my buddies have a few relatives that have recieved it

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Nope, I've not received it. I probably won't get it either. I don't go out enough to justify getting it.

I heard presidential guards from my country received some from China. The reaction when that news broke out was that they are being tested on them haha

Haven’t received it too!

Imagine this. If it's true china released this virus from wuhan, and you're a foreigner living there. Then you hear one day, that China is handing out vaccines they developed in less than a year for a virus they released themselves, would you take it? With my critical thinking skills, I'd come to the conclusion that something fishy is going on. (btw, I've heard whistle blowers from china saying that the chinese government is responsible for it's release).

a couple of older relatives have had it.  They needed two jabs.

I'm not taking it, most people will get antibodies for it. only people that need it is people that need a flu shot every year.

It's just starting to get rolled out in my country, but not to the general population yet I think. Only nurses and doctors. I think a lot of people are hesitant to be first to be vaccinated

Planning on it when available

Not myself but my granparents