Has clash of clans reached its limit
I’m a recently max th13 player been playing on and off for the past 5 years and I really enjoyed it but after reaching max I’m like what the hell am I supposed to do now  Cry I don’t want to raid because it’s a waste of my own personal loot and I am legends so there is really no point I just wondered what do other max th13 people do? Is the game only for CWL and CG and that’s it until another update comes our way?

[+] 1 user Likes Joopna Chiqutora's post
Games like that rely on the fun grinding to get to the next upgrade, they even depend upon people's impatience to buy their way up levels. So once you're at the top the major incentive to play is gone until, as you said, the next update comes out and you can grind again.

[+] 1 user Likes whoisthejellyman's post
Deffo, I didn't really like it from the offset.

it was bad from the start. attacking other players isn't very interesting or rewarding and it's more about just skipping until you find an easy base with good rewards. getting upgrades is neat but when faced with waiting 6 months for the next upgrade to finish or just buying it with real money I'd rather just uninstall. it's a low effort whalebait game that was never any good

I feel like it’s reached it’s peak for a long time. Although I am not anywhere near legend or anything high up there but I still have fun. Maybe making a new account? I know that might suck and all but it could be fun having 2 accounts. I do not know of any games out at the moments that are like it tho, kinda sucks, one of my favorite types of games!

New game Clash Quest coming from Supercell soon. Smile