Have we reached peak graphics quality and physics in videogames?
It feels like at this point in time, mostly since XBOX 360/PS3 onward, we pretty much hit the limit to how much games can improve. There are minor improvements in things like facial animations, etc. but overall, photo-realistic games tend to look a bit weird so some level of graphics abstraction is required. If life-replication is the goal then we have a ways to go, but I think we've reached the sweet-spot of how far game graphics and physics can meaningfully be pushed.

Anyone else feel similarly?

Nah mate i keep on seeing improvements, although yeah they're becoming less and less noticeable. Skyrim doesn't look that great anymore but witcher 3 still does

I think graphic can still upgrade a lot, since most game depict unrealistic images. The true limit getting closer is more on the cpus side, as transistor in them are getting close to an atom wide

vr is the future

VR to me is a totally different experience and unnecessary for a lot of gameplay. It's removing the sense of touch from physical boardgame-gameplay and unnecessary for games that are 2D, or require intense detailed focus. A game like Breath of the Wild wouldn't benefit from VR IMO.

I think the focus is on VR and AR. to get better graphics the processers would become to big

I guess we will never know when we reach the peak. So far it always looked better than before, so I believe it will continue this way.

Quote:I guess we will never know when we reach the peak. So far it always looked better than before, so I believe it will continue this way.

It all depends what the benchmark is. If it's complete and utter photorealism then there is still plenty more to go. If it is full-immersion like the real-world then that is by definition impossible, but if we're only sort of achieving that with VR, there is a ton more to go.

Is the two-dimensional screen a thing of the past?

I don't think so, it can definitely get even better. It'll probably get to that point soon it seems like to me.

I think graphics can eventually improve too be just as realistic as the real world

I think it is very hard to make massive jumps between console generations in this day and age (such as xbox360 to xbox1). But we are seeing gradual improvements in quality and smoothness as the years go on. The future is likely in the hands of raytracing and improving smaller aspects, such as lighting and reflections to create a more realistic feel.

Game graphics are at a strange point right now. Some games focus too much on realism when i always prefer a game to have a unique artstyle.

no i dont think so. Technology is constant