Have you ever got sick of a food?
back during high school, i barely ate breakfast but for a brief period i ate the same thing for breakfast every morning. eventually, i became so sick of it that i couldnt even stomach the taste in general.

have you ever ate a food so often that you became absolutely sick of it?

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Nah but I got literally sick from tacos one time, and haven't really been able to eat it since...

Pizza gets really tiring fast for me. If I have it more than twice a week I can't stand it for the rest of the month.

Agreed on the school food - that stuff made me want to eat at all. good thing there was a vending machine in the cafe for us

First year of college I loved this cheap buttered popcorn that came in a huge bag, now I can barely look at the stuff

Absolutely, I think it happens to a lot of people

Used to eat burgers and hot dogs a lot.
Body diet changed, so now I eat raw fish (sushi/poke) alot.

feeling pretty sick of what i've been eating lately tbh, been having some bad luck with my usual spots. also been smoking more so that kinda kills my appetite too

After travelling in asia for an extended period of time I could not take anymore asian food and just wanted western food even if it was just fast food

Only after drinking too much and vomiting whatever said food. Didn’t take too long to get over though.

I get sick when i eat some kinds of meat, it's weird and i don't know the reason yet

I was hiking in Sweden for two weeks. We had Crispbread two meals a day. Every day. I never ate it again. This was enough for my whole life.

Not exactly the same but, I can't eat pasta because after having just a bit, i feel like I've had enough. Not that I'm full or anything, just don't feel like I can even force myself to keep eating it.

yes, living in an italian family eating pasta almost everynight has made me so sick of it een to the point of being sick thinking about it

Yeah I know the feeling. When I was younger my mother used to make a Stroganoff made from sausage instead of beef,got it at least once a week (cuz we was poor and it didnt costs much to make) so if someone makes it for me now when Im older I always decline cuz I cant even stand the smell of it without getting ill in my stomach  Shy