Have you guys ever had a bad experience with dogs?
One time when I was over at a friends house, his dog scratched me underneath my eye. it was kinda painful but i forgave the dog because he is cute. He is kinda a menace tho he is very hyper.

A guy in my neighborhood had a pitbull and one day the pitbull attacked kids a the park for no reason, I ran as fast as I could, it was scary and I was like 10 or 11

my mother was bit by a dog but personally no i havent

Haven't, although a friend's super hyper/horny dog was ALL OVER ME when I went over her parent's house once... crazy dog. Fun, though.

Yeah. I was about 10 or so walking down the sidewalk when a random neighbor's dog dashed out and chomped down on my ankle for no reason. Funny thing was there was at least 3-4 others that walked past it first, but it didn't target or even bark at any of them. After that, no one ever seen that dog again in the neighborhood so I eventually got over it lol

Nah, had one jump me as a kid but otherwise I've been neutral with them

One dog that was normally good for an owner suddenly turned totally rabid when I showed up. It then went back to being a calm dog as if nothing had happened when they came out. As soon as they went back into their house and I went out to the car, it went right back to rabid. I have no idea why it went nuts, but I'm glad it didn't attack.

Also, Chihuahuas are the meanest fucking dogs in the world.

Pitbull happened to be randomly chilling in our garage. Not only that but our dog went loose that same day.. No one got hurt though, not even the animals

had one chase after me as a kid...honestly i think i might have outpace usain bolt

Got bit by my uncle's chow chow once, luckily the bite wasnt too bad. Still don't know what triggered that dog.

The only bad experience I had was when my uncles dog ran into my knee when I was younger