Have you guys ever tried the stuff on the account section?
Theres  bunch of pornhub, vpn, and other premium accounts posted there but do they actually work?
Im using credits to  take stuff, so i dont really want to waste it for something that didnt work

get first to my posts, they will 100% work.
always verify before posting.

Guess it depends on how quick you are. Systems will notice a flood of signins.

I have not tried it yet

They are posted by people like me who crack these accounts and check them beforehand so most of the time they should work. A lot of these accounts will still have original users logging in but that doesn't matter too much with some accounts.

Too many logins can shut accounts down (user will get notified) but no legal action will be taken. Nord VPN/Grammarly accounts are the easiest to use since they allow a lot of connections and its harder to notice someone using it.

Any reputable shop will offer a replacement within a set time period should the product you bought not work.