Have you played Borderlands 3? How does it compare to Borderlands 2 / Pre-Sequel?
I really enjoyed Borderlands 2, I've played many, many hours on Steam. I tried out the Pre-Sequel though and it just wasn't as fun for me. How does Borderlands 3 compare with those two games?

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Gameplay wise it's much much better. Performance wise.... you might be crashing a lot depending on your builds and weapon-skill interactions. Story wise - kind of a mess with the cringe twins. The redeeming qualities are pretty much gameplay and weapons. Some guns are OP as hell and to be quite honest with you they probably don't perform as intended and often guns will just straight up be broken on release. GB likes to nerf and buff guns for balance though which is kinda nice... kinda. Though it does suck when you farm for hours just to get the optimal gear only for them to nerf it or raise the level cap - and you go get a new one!

I do remember downloading a trainer for BL2 after beating the game, NG+, NG++, etc and just getting all the OP gear in the game. There was that one pistol that was basically... infinite ammo + rapid fire? SO broken.

Honestly, I loved it. I found the story alright.
The main antagonists are designed for you to despise them. Some people found the story too “cringe” but I thought it was fine.
The gameplay was too smooth too with mantling and stuff.

The DLCS and late game have been good so far too.

Compared to TPS the game is better in everyway,
Yet compared to bl2 the game lacks a little bit in story and good/charismatic characters