Having a partner with a higher sex drive
What’s it like to be in a relationship with someone that has a higher sex drive than you? Is it a blessing or a curse?

This is a fairly interesting topic. One that i think about regularly. I have a sex drive significantly higher that my other half. I'd say it's a curse but sometimes it's a blessing if you know what i mean. It also got me thinking and talking with my friends. Turns out that couples with the same sex drive are actually pretty rare it seems. In most cases one has higher/lower sex drive.

[+] 1 user Likes westlunder's post
I've never been in a relationship where our sex drives have been equal, usually I've been a bit higher but not always. As long as you can talk about it there are ways you'll be able to compromise, e.g. I dated a guy with quite a low sex drive when I was younger but he enjoyed giving me erotic massages and didn't take it personally if I spent time getting myself off.

I think it depends on how higher it is, I've been in relationships where she has a higher sex drive and the difference is huge to the point where I get frustrated because that's the only thing they want to do... No room for other activities, etc.

[+] 1 user Likes bmould38's post
you will be surprised Small things like this kill relationships

I think it's pretty normal for partners to have different sex drives. I only think it can ever be a problem if its too big of a difference, otherwise, pretty normal

Never had one, but I feel like it'd get straining after a while. Both parties need satisfaction and if one isn't getting what they need from the other, the relationship as a whole will probably suffer in some way.

I have never had one where I have had the lower sex drive, but I know from experience that it can be frustrating for both parties.

I’m from Beacon&juice

It was actually interesting, but the problem with that is when you're not on the same level things could go wrong so quickly

I’ve never had a problem where they’re higher, no clue personally but interesting reads though


I thought I have a high sex drive. But damn my girl is crazy. Always wants sex and my penis just doens't work every day two times Big Grin I love sex but damn I wish sometimes I could get help.

damn yall are lucky

It is a curse if you can't keep up. I began getting pressured for sex and they went as far enough as to ask whether or not I fucked them more or my ex. However, they were just a really toxic person.