Hawaii Issuing Blizzard warnings while the rest of the country is in a snow drought
This is actually crazy. It's December and only 8.6% of the lower 48 has snow cover.


Hawaii Issuing Blizzard warnings while the rest of the country is in a snow drought.

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Link is from cnn: 

Hawaii Issuing Blizzard warnings while the rest of the country is in a snow drought.

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Hawaii Issuing Blizzard warnings while the rest of the country is in a snow drought.

Registered Members Only

You need to be a registered member to see more on Hawaii Issuing Blizzard warnings while the rest of the country is in a snow drought.
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You may want to change those links, no one's going to pay for'em.

What thundereder9t8y said. In the discussion forums, no one pays for links. Break up the link so it isn't hidden like they are now. Outside of the discussion forums, use regular links.