Health Qudoba?
Recently started working at Qudoba. We get a free meal with every shift and can basically make anything. I'm definitely going to get fat if I just pile on everything that looks good. How do I make meals healthier? So far I've been skipping out on the queso and cheese and trying to avoid eating an entire bowl's worth of food in a single sitting (saving the rest for my next meal). Any other suggestions?

All about calories in and calories out

Focus on your proteins - beef, chicken, fish. Then sprinkle on some cheese, lettuce, tomato, and maybe even some cucumbers, or other veggies that you like. That's a massive chunk of your daily vitamin intake, and it will do you well.

Lots of veggies mate and proteins and simple carbs, and you are golden

Eat half portions, light on cheese sour cream and queso. Brown rice helps you feel full longer so you wont be tempted to get things like chips

I’d say lay off the cheese and put more vegetables as much as possible