Hello Folks
New to this forum and already managed to get negatieve. Thank gog for the newcommers post in the forum info section.
Ill go and read that somemore.

Hopen to become a contributer to this forum.


[+] 1 user Likes dwarf001's post
If you want to build up credits by responding to posts, don't do it in the leaks section, as that hurts your reputation and contributor level, and then you wont be able to spend your credits even if you have enough. Please hit the "Like" button below.

[+] 2 users Like Genedei's post

Thank you for the explanation!
May the porn be strong with you!


To start with dont post likes or simply respond "thanks" to threads in the leaked/nude section that will tank your contribution status, it may work for other boards but it isnt the same here

Contributor Level is calculated.
  • You get Positive Points for Making a New thread

  • You get Positive points for replying or making a post in the NON-Leaks Sections

  • You get Positive points for every single like you receive on your posts

  • You get negative points for making a post in a leaks section. This includes Nudes/Social Content Etc.

  • Viewing Threads has ZERO effect on your rating.

  • Buying or clicking links has ZERO effect on your contributor rating

[+] 1 user Likes Biknboy99's post