Hello Leakedbb!!
SO I been here about a week.


If there's anytime to sign up and subcribe.. is now. GO BUY A PREMIUM SUB NOW!

glad you are here my man Smile

thanks for all the likes! I am honestly so surprised at how close the points are still.. like Pixel and Rex should NOT have that many points!! Lmao zzz

tminus 32hours till its over. This is definitely way too intense haha

but anywho, welcome to LeakedBB!! Smile

Buy a pair of diaper for the last 12 hours Big Grin

TitScholar Wrote:Buy a pair of diaper for the last 12 hours Big Grin
no kidding haha, i've spent like 24 out of the last 36 hours on my pc grinding  Big Grin

Nice to meet you

Welcome there are some fun threads in the lounge.

welcome to the forum!

you're welcome here !!