Hello from Lithuiania!
I am not entirely sure how to earn credits.  We'll see if i figure it out.  Thanks!

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Hi stranger

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Welcome, There are some fun threads to check out in the lounge.
If you make a post there it will help your contribution level.
That will also give you credits.

Please check out my threads and like them if you like them.

[+] 1 user Likes frankviv's post
Welcome to the forum!

[+] 1 user Likes robjoin2's post
Hello, welcome to the forum.

[+] 1 user Likes waltmain1's post
welcome from tehe usa

welcome here mate. dont be naughty Tongue

[+] 1 user Likes watanabe's post
Welcome to the forum

[+] 1 user Likes dallaseagle's post
how is lithuania in the winter?

billyblanks69 Wrote:I am not entirely sure how to earn credits.  We'll see if i figure it out.  Thanks!
hey, welcome man

billyblanks69 Wrote:I am not entirely sure how to earn credits.  We'll see if i figure it out.  Thanks!
Welcome mate 

billyblanks69 Wrote:I am not entirely sure how to earn credits.  We'll see if i figure it out.  Thanks!
You earn credits by posting in forms and contributing content for what I've seen