Help me find this video!!
Can anyone help me find this dare dorm video. Episode is called “Chicks Up”

Thanks in advance!!
[Image: 2-B6-B94-A0-7685-4789-9-FE9-B5482-BF7421-D.jpg]

[Image: 67-FD6-A84-FF1-F-415-D-B7-F0-F45-DEB64-F2-D4.jpg]

[Image: 92-B62423-C112-4-F5-B-B88-A-D9-D8-DABAE850.jpg]

[Image: DA5-B45-C7-70-F9-415-F-91-A8-951887-D3-DF20.jpg]

Do you know what episode it is, or any names of the girls?
I've got access to a lot of stuff.
[Image: dd.jpg]

I’ll see if I can find the episode number but the title is “Chicks Up” and looks like I see two names associated with it. Samantha Faye and Sammy Grand.