Help me play anything other than Witcher 3 for the umpteenth time.
Any recommendations? I feel like between Witcher 3 and Mass Effect replays, I'm struggling to find another game suck me in as much as these did. Xbox X, Game Pass as well if that helps, but open to buying something as well.

[+] 1 user Likes TravelingWino's post
have u ever tried fallout new vegas?

Dude, I'm right there with you. I have such a hard time picking up a new game. I always find myself going back to The Witcher

How about another CDProjektRed project, Cyberpunk 2077?
I heard it's patched and now in a more enjoyable state.

If you like world exploring and sword fights, I say go a little back in time and enjoy the marvels of skyrim and her people!
You might want to add some visual mods though