Hot or cold weather
Most people seem to prefer when it is either scorching hot or freezing cold. I'm in the latter group. Nothing better than bundling up and being cozy. I hate feeling overheated.

Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?

Between the two, freezing cold is more comfortable when you can dress in many layers or cover yourself with blankets. Scorching hot is absolutely miserable when you try to sleep. Nothing worse than 100+ degrees in your room at night with no AC.

cold for sure, though driving can be tough

Hot weather ?

Just put on more clothes if cold, can't escape the heat and nudity isn't acceptable everywhere.

cold weather anytime, feeling cozy is the best

Cold, easier to warm up, chuck on more layers, stand next to a fire.
When its too hot, you can strip down, but after that there's not a lot you can do.

I prefer when it’s in the middle personally

Cold, I like wearing jackets and not a fan of sweating

Hot for sure.

Cold 24/7. I like the feeling of being under blankets and having the opportunity to drink hot chocolate ^_^

Cold cuz hot cocoa hits right sometimes

60f is perfect

scorching hot is the worst. especially when it's hot and humid...