How ahtletic do you think is swimming?
For me swimming is both a fun and exhausting "sport", though I don't know if that's what it'd be called, but either way I want to hear from other people and see what they think about it.

It's pretty athletic. Need Uber strong upper body, and incredible stamina.

You need a lot of stamina and excellent body coordination. Contrary to what most people think, your legs are what get you moving in the water fast. Proper hand/arm technique is one thing, but getting those legs to push you through the water is hard for a lot of people.

its defo up there with the full body sports - swimming, rowing, xcountry skiing should have the highest levels of athletiscism

One of the few sports where the skillset seems simple but it exteremly hard to do at th highest level

also one needs to be "built" for it in order to compete

Very. Gives a full body workout, good cardio and lung exercise, low joint impact.
But outdoor pools are better than indoor, I think due to the chlorinated water.