How are people coping in isolation?
Isolation hasnt been going on long and i have already had enough. How is everyone coping? Any tips?

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I’m just spending all day playing video games and watching Netflix.

I’m a senior in high school; prom is cancelled, AP exams are online, graduation is postponed, music department concerts and field trips are cancelled for the rest of the year, and now we have an extended lockdown until April 30.

I’ve done all I can to stay in touch with my friends and teachers close to me, but it’s hard as a music student to be able to hold Zoom meetings online or communicate through the application for my music classes. I’ve tried playing video games, binge watching Netflix, taking walks, learning new music, trying out new games, getting closer to my family; all of these have helped to distract myself from this totally surreal reality outside my house.

I think the best thing anyone can do in this situation is stay in contact with your family, call them if you’re separated, and go over the things you can be grateful for. Maybe make a list of things you’re grateful for that you can appreciate during this time.

Stay safe y’all, wash your hands, take care of yourselves.

It's tough, just make sure you keep in touch with friends and family if they're not near you

i had been doing it for years so comes easy to me

Damn. Prom being cancelled would kinda suck for a senior

A new switch & smash bros keeps me preoccupied

Reading and doing some home work jaja

Play some games and do some sports

a crazy amount of youtube and brawl stars

just playing a bunch of new video games

just watching netflix bro