How can a game/publisher lose your money?
I really hate that more and more games are releasing as exclusives on epic or delaying releases on other platforms. Borderlands 3 and the other worlds are two games that completely lost my interest after releasing as delayed/exclusive. I would rather have the option to buy on any platform and have platform exclusive ingame content. It was this way before when buying from gamestop vs target vs walmart.

What things has a game or its publisher done that made them lose your business? Whether thats exclusivity or microtransactions etc.

I also prefer the games to be released for both platforms, companies would profit a thousand times more, but prefer childish rivalry

When I bought cod4 I was expecting the full zombies experience with the game, instead I got 1 map. They already got my money, but I wouldn't have done it again. Waaaaay too much paid dlcs lose my money

*black ops 3, not sure why I said cod 4

they are trying new approaches
steam gets i think 25% of the sale, and epic get i think 10%
steams DOMINATE the market form a long time!

it's time to someone to rise a new flag and try new approaches for developers

i prefer steam, because 80% of my games are on that library, but for a developer, it's best epic, and recieve more money than lose

and the new platform, it's a 50% chance on launching there and get a really big success, or a big failed there