How concerned are you actually about the virus?
Personally, I'm not too concerned but I'm also not too informed about it so that probably plays a part.  Is there actually reason to be concerned?

I'd rather not get it!

Not very but then again I don't leave the house lol

Not too concerned, just follow health guidelines from officials to stay safe. should blow over in a month hopefully

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Not too too concernced

not very concerned

I think humanity will pull through

I'm not leaving my house and I wash my hands so I'm not too concerned.

As long as you follow the proper protocols, there is no reason to be overly concerned. The only concern comes from those thst choose to ignore the protocols.

Not as concerned as most but a little

Not as concerned as most

Not concerned. Didn't have a life before this so nothing has changed.

I don't go outside very much so I am not too concerned about contracting it however, I have genetically weak lungs so I am worried about my prospects if I actually did catch it.

really concerned. even if it doesn't affect anyone you personally (or anyone you know), it's going to have a huge effect on so much of wider society. lots of places you take for granted are going to be gone, or permanently altered. and even people who have the virus and recover may still have lasting health issues in the years to come.