How covid changed your life
It has been quite long since covid spread around the world

and seriously changed people's daily life, 

my case is wavering between going to a near cafe for a break with coffee and Just sitting on my sofa. 
really every time when going out it makes me worry about it. mind changed somehow.

How about you guys?

I got COVID. Spent about 2 months laid out in my man cave away from my wife who was downstairs with our dogs.

No joke it felt like an elephant was crushing my chest. Doc gave me sleep inducing meds for the pneumonia I developed but also warned me that there's a potential the pneumonia can get worse while I slept and they'd have to hospitalize me and induce a coma to remove fluids from my lungs. Paranoia kept me up and the lack of sleep made me worse. I resigned myself to accepting death alone in my man cave cuz the pain was too much. I worried about how my wife would find me and what that would do to her. Needless to say the possibilities were endless and kept me up at night.

Since recovered but now even the slightest cough sends me in a panic.

Oh and the damage to my lungs is forever. However, I am closer to my wife so...positives.

not much since i already work from home

Working from home which is interesting. Not going to the gym really sucks though

That's rough man, I'm glad you're doing better.

Yea the working from home and no gym

Working from home, but at least I was able to see my kid grow.