How'd you pick your username? Do you use it for games too?
I was a big fan of StarCraft and remembered some of the cheat codes. In a sense, it's like I'm hoping to unlock better stuff on this forum Wink

How about everyone else?

Mine is a just play on the phrase "big pimpin" which I randomly thought of.

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was watching a streamer as I was making an account and he said "panicking for no reason" while playing a game and i went with that lol

Just as it comes to mind, as usual.

Same name I use it 2K

I literally just typed random letters and I came up with this lmao


"big pimpin" - bigpoopin

LMAO, okay yours is pretty good. I snorted, bwahahah

Hmm, can't find how to edit an existing post. I meant to do a quote reply saying that "Bigpoopin" was a good name.

I always suck at picking usernames, just finished watching Dredd (2012) and thought might as well play off that haha.

My friends and I call each other "brother man" all the time as kind of an inside joke.

My username is from the Marty Robbins song 'Big Iron'. Cool cowboy song Big Grin

I just like the boondocks, man.

Saw someone with the username ballboy, so I reversed it!

its the same as my gamer names yeah