How did you all study at first?
I'm intersted in the program, so I'm trying
to study a little, but I'm so stuck!!!
I don't even know if it's possible to study alone.
Do you have any advice??

[+] 1 user Likes llinkge551's post
Youtube! There are a lot of useful Channels out there. And by the time you learned the basics you have to do some "projects". For example, a snake game in c++ or a Calculator with a GUI. If you dont know what projects to do, there are some videos with guides, so you can follow them along.



[+] 1 user Likes bruhmaster993x2's post
I second Youtube.

Well, I started with Cheat Eninge.
It showed me assembly which helps you understand most other languages.

Trying to cheat in a game was a fun way to learn, maybe you can find something too that entertains and educates you at the same time.
Never look back. If you gotta kill, kill.
If you gotta burn it all to the ground then let it burn.

My first was c++, just keep thowing yourself at it and it will stick

Youtube/speed codes is a good place for beginners.

[+] 2 users Like kogw5808's post
YouTube definitely helps a lot

Youtube for sure
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The university suggest c++ because it gives you more idea or advantage when transitioning to other language.

Many people also suggest watching in youtube specifically the indian youtubers. They are very good at what they do.

started in school, then self taught through the internet

id say it depends on what you goal for programming is and what your interests are. For example if you really enjoy the idea of "riddles" like the joy of solving maths questions, i wouldnt say that youtube is neccessarily the best method to get started, you might benefit more from going to sites like hackerrank and attempting their riddles one by one and seeing their explanations. If youre a person that benefits from a structured learning environment, youtube/coursera/other more structured lessons might be better

whatever you learn, apply it. If you learn a topic and go on to the next, you'll go no where. You need to apply and practice.

I'm learn programming for very first time on university, and yeah its really hard.. try find some tutorial on youtube or another website that really suit with you (you can easily understand them) and try mentor or join forum if you stuck or confuse with something..Im already graduated from my university and had a job, but sometimes i still asking on forum