How do I know if I’m on the right path?
I need other people’s insights.

Life, business, relationships, etc.

How do you know when right is right?

Sometimes right is wrong and wrong is right.

You don't, you just gotta go with it and hope its right Smile

Are you happy, or are you working towards something that will bring you happines? If yes - right path

You'll usually know by feel. Follow your own goals.

when you're not even thinking about it and just enjoying the moment

Take calculated risks whenever you can

I would say you will know when you went wrong. Life will always go on but depend on your knowlegde about yourself and dont ignore it.

What are your goals? You can't travel on a path if you don't know where you're going...

Nothing is wrong, nothing is right. Simply live your life. Catch any opportunity and see if you happy with it.. If not, then you know the answer.

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Every path is different but what I’ve learned is that as cliché as it sounds trusting your gut reaction and your instincts is a good thing. Also stretch in the morning and floss often.

Man, at the end of the day, do what makes you happy. You can't base it on most others lives as they are so different. Just trying to maintain your happiness and continuing to push forward is what id call the right path.

when youre content yet challenged with everything

If you have the luxury to worry about what you want out of life 1, 5 or 10 years from now without worrying bout 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month from now then you might be on the right path.

when you wake up in the morning and realise you don't dread going to work anymore

This is truly only a decision you can make yourself. Where, in the past, did you think you would be now? Have you accomplished anything you planned to? Do you believe you are succeeding or working to do so? These are all questions you could ask yourself.

Be patient and kind to yourself. You can’t control everything in life, try to identify things you can control, and set goals around those. Everyone is in this together, so don’t be ashamed to ask friends for help or support. Peace and love.

by doing what makes you happy honestly.

send yourself a personal message (e.g. via calendar notification) few years from now and write down what goals you want to have achieved by then, if the time comes and you havent moved towards them at all - change direction and repeat the process.

free yourself from desire. and reap the benefits