How do you deal with change
I feel like I have a big problem overcoming change in recent months. Maybe its quarantine changing me or maybe not, but when things don't go as I expect them to, it breaks my focus and its tough to get back up again.

How do you work around things like that. If you have any techniques, I'd love to hear them.

I started writing something and realized it's probably not a healthy way to go about things lol. Is it possible to frame the change in a positive light? Being fired from a job means that there's nothing to hold you back from finding an even better one. A startling health assessment can serve as a warning to do better, giving you a chance to turn things around. A lot of times, the positive or negative impact of the change is our own thoughts framing it so instead of being definitively one way or the other. The change itself may be outside of our control but how we chose to react and perceive it is something we can affect.

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I really struggle, anything out of my routine makes me really anxious

it's hard to get in a focus state over the pandemic because everyday feels the same, you need to try doing different things everyday from your home

if you can influence it - accept if you can see benefit, reject if you can't. if can't influence - try to make best of the situation

I want to know the answer too. From my observationa of other people and see how they change so easily ia that they adapt and discard the old immediately. Although it is quite scummy peoppe must live on. I admit that there are changes in my life and area but theres nothing i can do about it. The best way to ensure your survival is to focus on bettering yourself. Work and grind for money and support.yourself only and family and close friends. Fuck the surrounding area. Fuck them all. A quote from cao cao: "i would rather betray the world than the world to betray me" perhaps i should also follow this philosophy myself.

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Change is good. Uncomfortable times will make you grow