How do you feel about fully CG recreations of dead people?
There's a movie which is going to resurrect James Dean using a full CGI performance and it got me wondering... how do you feel about that concept?  What about the implications of it eventually being used without permission to create highly realist c content of real people?

I can see some good for living but elderly actors who could continue acting "in their prime" for later sequels using a computer generated version of their younger selves... but then on the other side it will almost 100% be eventually widely available for everyone to use whether they have permission or not which could make the growing problem already happening in politics with deepfake stuff.

I don't need a need to do this.
Why do you need to use an actor that is already dead. We have other actors. Real ones. So why use all that CGI.
And your prime as an actor is not linked to his looks, but his acting skills. I'd say the prime of Bryan Cranston was during Breaking Bad. And he was certainly not young at that time.
Maybe it''s different for women.

It's just hollywood doing what they always do, refusing to innovate, so that they can make more profit easily. It started with brands and now it's people. They wanna be able to shake a famous dead actor in front of us and have us empty our wallets cause it's easier (and cheaper) than making something new.

if donewell it can be kool

Too freaky, man! CG is uncanny as fuck already. I mean, it's cool, but I think people deserve more respect, and their likeness shouldn't be used like that.