How do you feel about spoilers? (movies, shows, games etc)
Do you like them or hate them? I know a lot of people get pissed when things get spoiled for them, but I personally enjoy them. It's no different from a trailer, just something to keep you interested so you could look forward to it in the story. 

The only instance where I could kinda see spoilers being a con is if you're watching a sports game and you knew which side won beforehand I guess. But even so, there's no point watching the game if it's already over, most people would just check the score and wait for the next game lol. How do you feel about them?

Games get spoiled for me all the time its quiet annoying

You will start not caring after awhile, haha.

I’m usually not mad when it happens. I’d only get annoyed if someone went out of their way to spoil something for me.

If someone spoils it for me, I watch it anyways, and then I see way more things than if I hadn't known the ending beforehand.

This is the age of social networking, nothing is not-spoiled.

I used to dislike spoilers, but then started not to care about them

i kind of agree with you, sometimes they might be good to keep you invested in the story but still that works for me only for series that i dont have much interest.
if its a spoiler about a series that i really look forward to it then it pisses me off

If it's for something I plan on watching/playing then I do kind of care but if I'm not really interested in it then I don't give a shit lol

You have to avoid social media and the internet if you want to avoid spoilers. Sometimes the movies leak before they're released, which is probably the ultimate spoiler. Not that I've ever downloaded one of those before...

Nah, spoilers isnt a problem if you enjoy the process of watching/playing etc.

 I personally enjoy them.  Tongue

depends on the game or movie for me. sometimes i dont care, othrr times im a bit upset

Who cares it’s not that big of a deal

most of them are boring

I like them, often I'll see what happens at the end of a book first and enjoy how they get to that point from the beginning.

Depends on situation but usually messes up fun

can't even stand trailers. 0 % best %.

i love spoilers.

Just dont ask Tom Holland