How do you guys feel about sports teams kneeling for the National Anthem
So Donald Trump yesterday condemned the fact that pretty much all players and teams in the NBA have been kneeling before every game when the National Anthem has been played and many players today came out and essentially said that his word means nothing.

How do you guys feel about it, do you think that politics and sport should be mixed in the way it has been as of late?

In all honesty, I don't find it disrespectful. My team and I used to kneel back in high school before our baseball games to honor an athlete we lost the year before. Every game we kneeled during the anthem. It was respectful and powerful.
I find it similar to pro sports athletes now. They are making a statement in a respectful and powerful manner.

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I have no issues with it. I see it as a freedom they have with the first amendment, as long as they can back up their reasoning then good for them.

I hate Trump, so as long as it’s going to make them mad then I hope they keep doing it. There’s nothing stopping them from kneeling.

I don't think it's disrespectful at all. I think the whole thing got blown out of proportion. It was meant to bring light to injustices and now it's being seen as anti American. Players shouldn't be criticized if they decide they want to kneel during it or not.

Have no issue with kneel during national anthem it is a form of expressing their first amendment

What the fuck the Raptors kneeling for the Canadian national anthem?!?!? Nurse's explanation was that it was the same song!?!? Fuck you! You better win another one!