How do you stay in shape during outbreak?
So.. how do you stay in shape during the corona outbreak?

good question - running outside, cycling maybe but lifting is tough without a gym

i been concentrating on stretching and core. but you can incorporate some stuff with rubber bands you grab on amazon

Tapis roulant, esercizi a corpo libero, e soprattutto tenendo d'occhio l'alimentazione

I've just been doing ab workouts and doing workouts with dumbbells. Only other thing I can suggest is callisthenic workouts.

Running is a decent way to do it

Arnold Schwarzenegger just posted an exercise routine on his reddit account consisting of exercises you can do indoors.

Just google it if you are interested.

I've been following this program for 3 days a week; 

RE: How do you stay in shape during outbreak?.

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I think it's generally pretty easy to do with out too much specialized equipment. I used some old belts i had lying around instead of bedsheets or towels though. The floor sliding stuff can be a little hard to manage in a carpeted room also.

I've also seen Athlean-X post some at-home workout programs on YouTube but those seemed harder to do at home for me which is why I've gone with this simpler routine.

I’m using an indoor rowing machine ! Burning around 900/1100 kcal/h

Running and home workout routines

I just do it at home. Push ups, situps, dumbbells. That's enough for me Smile

Really cool, great.