How do you tell a girl you like her without being a weirdo.
Like the title says im a really awkward person in general so i dont know what to do.

Are you awkward around her? You can indirectly tell her by showing her being extra attentive. If she picks up on it she'll probably realize you have feelings for her. And if she also does she might hint back too. You can also just ask her out on a date when you feel the time is right, that basically right there says you like and are interested in her lol

You could try to be less akward, no that's not meant as a joke. If you know what makes you akward and you don't like it yourself work on it and learn 1 or 2 things that are useful to start a conversation. On YouTube are some guys who can help you with that and I don't mean the guys who speak to a x girl and try to get in her panties. There is one who describes his experiences with art like comic stories unfortunately I don't know his name anymore. But he is easy to find if you use the algorithm

Try not to be awkward. Find some common
topics to talk about at the start. When both of you are comfortable/ less awkward, you can ask her on a date/dinner to know more about each other. If not, just be brave Smile

Be honest and tell her how you feel.  Girls like confidence

The best thing to do is to be able to know if she likes you  or not, try to pick up hints and induce the question without explainly asking it

Just be you. If you're a little weirdo, then be weird. There isn't a magic trick or secret code. Just try to be respectful and say your piece. Plus, if you're weird scares her away in the beginning it's never going to work out anyway. But on a serious note...don't do magic. Don't be that guy.

It is all about confidence

Get to know her, find something in common to do and get to the point where you would acknowledge each other in public. Then ask her out

Just go for it dude

If you're able to be respectful and empathetic, no matter what happens or unattractive you are, the girl will most likely see you in a positive light. It's going to be difficult but you HAVE to take yourself out of your own shoes and out of your own feelings. Instead, really understand how the girl is feeling. If you can key in on how she feels and you can mirror that back to her by saying stuff like "I know this is out of the blue" or "I know you're eating lunch with your friends right now", you're gonna gain MASSIVE points. If you can show understanding, you'll gain even more points. For example, let's just say she rejects you, of course it's gonna suck, but you'll only feel the blunt of that if you're focusing on yourself. Focus on her, and without making outrageous assumptions, empathize with her and tell her you understand. For example, say she turns you down and says she's not looking for a relationship. Say "I get that, school is kind of a lot on its own and i'm sure you're busy with other things. I totally get it". THEN you leave the ball on her court without shutting the door on her face by saying "Well if your schedule ever opens up or you ever feel like talking (this last part might be too strong so calibrate accordingly), I'll be around". Then you just leave and say "have a good one!". 

There is no way you can go wrong with this, you're absolutely making someone's day by showing interest in them in an authentic and respectful way. If they make a huge deal out of it, that's a reflection on the kind of person they are. You've established the kind of person you are, which is someone who genuinely respects her and who doesn't see it as a big deal, but more like a normal interaction.