How does covid-19 affected your porn viewing habbit?
Has it made you spend more on porn? do you spend more time on pron since your more free now? i know that onlyfan and other such website have being popping off lately. many out of job strippers are kind of flocking their.

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I jerk off with a mask and gloves. When I'm done, I go to Trader Joe's and punch a chinaman in the face with my jizz soaked fist.

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it stayed pretty much at normal level

basically the same but with mask

Not much. Like the same as before

It did initially due to being stuck home all the time and watching porn out of boredom. But restrictions in my area have been lifted for a while now so I've been able to get out more.

Pretty much the same actually, but maybe masturbate just a bit more, like since I don't have to wake up to go anywhere I just rub one out in the morning.

Really that make me a fan of Ashe Maree and Princess_Starligt Wink

I put my chemical suit on and Jack off with disinfectant


same, nothing changed really

Mine has stayed the same

i think in quarantine i'm focusing in new think and not watch that much. even lesser than before quarantine.


I personally have been viewing a lot more porn, especially now that I can rarely go out of the house and do other things. I tend to browse if I am bored and have nothing else to do.

I'd say I view more than out or boredom and procastination

I'd say I view more than out or boredom and procastination than anything else

varying...waiting for Lost Girls and Love Hotels

Not much has really changed. My porn viewing habits are the same since the pandemic started. In fact not much has changed in my life since I work from home anyways.

I definitely do it more now

still pretty much the same

Nothing to do all the time lmao sooo i watch mor