How far would you go?
Its a tale as old as tales themselves. The pages of history are covered in examples written in blood. How far someone is willing to go to achieve their goals. Be they noble, selfish, anything and everything in between. People have used their goals to justify their methods. Even if your goal is for the greater good, just how much bad are you willing to do to achieve it? Granted trying to categorize things into the black and white of good and evil is inherently flawed, but lets focus this in terms of morals. If good and evil are subjective, then it is the morals of the individuals that shape their perspective. Herein comes the main question i want to ask.

How far would you go to achieve your dream? How much of yourself would you sacrifice to achieve it? How many of your own rules would you break?

For the first part of the question I feel that I would likely do anything short of harming my family or others. Next I don't really value myself to that high of a degree so I would likely sacrifice all of myself. For the rules question I like to practice something called moral relativism. This meaning that my rules change in accordance to the particular situation. Though I do I keep the same rules about murder and other depraved things. The end result is extremely important to me but I hold a few things above it such as, family, lawfulness, etc.

Walking distance.

as far as it takes i suppose

at any cost beacuse it doesnt matter history is written by winner.