How high do you think bitcoin can go?
Never thought it would have gotten to 40k after the last crash, no idea what's going to happen now.

Just like with how gold is a limited resourced, paired with currency inflation, I don't think it's ever going to stop rising in dollar value.

Buy and hodl forever. I think it'll continue to rise past 100k but this is like maybe 10 years or more out.

"Toooo infinity, and beyond!"

I remember they said it was gonna drop at 5k then at 17k and now look where we are.

I think if crypto ever becomes "legitimate," there will be no telling how high it goes.

It will go as high as people are willing to pay for it. If nobody wants Bitcoin then it is essentially worthless. If people are willing to pay 1000$ for it, then it can be valued as such

Maybe even for 1 million $

I personally expect it to go down in value very soon, we'll be holding 30s for a while before we see a drop down to 25s and then it'll burst again.