How is the whole Covid scene where you are right now?
We’ve just entered another lockdown for who knows how long now and people are being super negligent, so I doubt we’re leaving it anytime soon. What about you guys?

The whole Covid scene here is dead. Except for in medical facilities, where they're desperate to keep it alive. Those are the only places that require masks. And we have restaurants and other stores that required you to be unvaccinated. Those businesses are fucking BOOMING. And hardly anyone is getting the vax now that the truth is coming out about it.

We can go anywhere we like, but we need to wear masks. But maybe it will worsen because of the delta variant.



[+] 1 user Likes bruhmaster993x2's post
pretty crazy over here. cases going ip and hospitals being filled fast

[+] 1 user Likes IMACOINTELPROVICTIM's post
In addition to global warming, China has put shit on the world.

Well I'm just restocking at the moment. With the delta strain coming around it's only a matter of time before we go back into lock down. It's already looking pretty bad where I am apparently our cases have doubled every week or something like that.

Quote: China has put shit on the world.
China is shit.

Quote: With the delta strain coming around it's only a matter of time before we go back into lock down
Only those who are vaccinated can get the delta/lambda/kappa/poseidon versions of it. And it compromises your immune sysetm so it actually hits your body harder. Thanks pharmaceutical companies.

It's pretty good here. Most people are not weating masks

wave 4 is coming due to delta variant. More people are getting vaccinated tho

lockdown  Sad

right now covid is pretty harsh where i’m at. everything is closing back down and masks are being pushed heavily again

midwest, USA.  pretty good.  huge vac rate and low infection, no masks required anymore.