How is this pandemic percieved in your country/state?
You can read as many news as you want, but you can never really understand what the people of a certain country are thinking about the current situation unless you live there.
Here in Italy it seems like the general public is taking it seriously, with some people and local goverments taking more precautions than what the government suggests, like wearing masks everytime you are outside.

I'm mostly interested in how americans outside the biggests hotspots of the virus(like NY) are handling the situation, because from what I've read they still feel like it's not such a big concern.

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Will be a huge concern in May, i'm really scared

Some people won't take it seriously until they hear about it affecting someone they know, at which point they will take it very seriously

don't really care, I'm healthy as is most of my immediate family. not many cases reported where I'm at and it's like less than 2% mortality rate.

They just now put us on lockdown for 30 days in Southeast Missouri

In St. Louis it’s like a joke

we aren't allowed to leave the house unless for work groceries or exercise one hour max

A lot of people still aren't taking it seriously.

It seems very split here in NJ. I see a lot of people panic buying, yet I've seen more people casually walking their dogs or something in the past month than I ever had before.

I have a lot of people coming in where I work at and telling em it's all one huge conspiracy theory. Mostly because since they haven't experienced it or seen someone with it, they think it's a lie.

People aren't taking it as seriously as they should

Here in Brazil, the biggest problem is the lack of interest of de population, who blindly follow the controversial opinions of our presidend.

Like USA before de outbreak, the president refuses to belive in the opinion of the internacional health organizations.

Seems split a lot of people don't seem to care whilst others are walking around with masks or scarves over their faces etc

not taken seriously enough

I'm in New York and we in full lockdown

Poorly. The local government only took it seriously once numbers started to rise. Not to mention the very poor preparation. At first they hammed it up as nothing but flu. Now everyone hates them cause of their complacency.