How likely is Coronavirus to mutate?
Was wondering, how likely is it that Coronavirus mutates and becomes more fatal

about as likely as any other virus doing that... not impossible but seriously not worth worrying about

It depends on multiple factors. The quickest way for a virus to mutate is by rapidly infecting multiple hosts. That is one of the primary reasons to stop the spread in it's tracks, so we don't get truly deadly mutations manifesting.

COVID-19 is already a mutation or a strain of the corona virus. Different strains of the Corona virus have been around since the 60s

Not very likely at all. Although it is going to be around for a long while

Not that likely I guess.

Ark831 is correct it is already a mutation and will most probably continue mutating. The more hosts/infected there are the greater the likelihood of further mutations.

Plague Inc making you too paranoid about that

hope it stops for best

idk we can only hope its contained sooner

containment seems to be an issue, might become fatal.

seems like it is mutating, but only 1-2 nucleotide changes so it doesn't seem like it will make a bit shift. also since it is so infectious, it is unlikely for it to go back towards the SARS direction of low infectivity but high mortality (it would want to spread/survive more than mutating for lethality).

I think it might already have mutated because of the different death numbers from the different countries...

Mutations that result in significant changes usually take a long time to manifest so I don't think it's something that you need to worry about.