How likely is it that Trump is impeached and convicted?
Usually the way these things go is the more time between the act and the actual vote, the more partison the actual vote will be. I don't see a conviction happening how about you all?

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Won’t happen. Republican senators won’t risk upsetting their base. Trump owns the party.

Please let it happen xd

Highly doubt that anything comes of it

Highly doubt it man, just trying to appease the masses

There are some sources reporting that Mitch McConnell is in favor of impeachment, but it doesn't look likely atmo.

Little chance of it happening since doing that would cause an uproar,I think they are going to prioritize the citizens first

Already impeached, but I don't see a conviction in the Senate happening, perhaps a few Rs (Romney) vote with the Dems but not enough

looks like it happened

The impeachment was basically party lines. I don’t see the senate doing much.