How long do you make a guy wait for sex (Females)
I have just started dating this woman, and she said she has done the fooling around thing and wants to wait a month before we have sex. she said this after our fourth date, we text and facetime alot, have a shit load in common and the spark when we kiss is insane. her roomate is my roomates sister and she keeps saying this girl cant stop talking about me. through my roommates sister i remember she used to complain a bit a few years ago about all the one night stands she was having (not slut shaming, i like this girl and we have all done the sleeping around thing) that obviously stopped during the pandemic and she has been very open and said that it was during the lockdown that she decided to make this change and find a solid guy.

so ladies gotta ask, is this normal to make a guy wait this long when the connection is this good? do you think im being impatient wanting to jump into bed after the fourth date? what was the Most amount of time you made a guy you really like wait for sex?

BTW its just sex she is making me wait for, she isnt getting all hot and heavy and leaving me with blue balls haha we have made each other cum alot with oral. thats what adds to my worry over the waiting a month.

Quote: she said she has done the fooling around thing and wants to wait a month before we have sex
That's the giveaway right there.  When women say that, they find a nice guy to have a quasi-relationship with, but no actual sex.  At the same time, she'll have sex with other guys, to fulfill her attention and sexual needs.  Sounds like she's trying to make you her emotional sponge and support so she can go fuck a bunch of other guys.  The fact that she said has had shitloads of one night stands means that she's emotionally broken, and needs so much repair, that she might not be fixable.

If you're going to continue to date her, then you don't commit to her at all.  Rather, you date some other girls on the side, and keep it open.  You should not commit to her anytime soon imho.  With that, I think you should deny her sex for a while, once she's open to it, just to see how she reacts.  Being told no to sex brings out a lot of shit in women, and will make them show their hand very quickly.

Only until you know she's self-controlled, calm, and genuinely wants you, and genuinely will commit to you, and you alone, only then can you commit to her.  Right now, it doesn't seem like it's worth it.

Pic related explains what I'm trying to say about women that sleep around better than I can say it. [Image: women3.png]

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
A month is fine man, that isn't too long. Just wait and see what happens and suss things out

[+] 1 user Likes spammingf's post
I  just got back from her place, i asked her outright if she was seeing anyone else besides me. literally no hesitation she told me she is still going over some dudes house now and then, but she said its ok as they have been friends with benefits for years and that it is just sex and that she is getting so much more from what is developing with us, i asked her the last time she slept with him was, it was last saturday, after going out with me for a meal and blowing me she drove over to his to get pounded. but she said it was o as she was thinking about my dick as she got fucked by him and that she wont see him after we start having sex.

i asked her about her no longer sleeping around and wanting to wait a month and she said she isnt sleeping around, she is just sleeping with one guy who she called her "flesh Dildo" who she has no connection with but she likes screwing as he has a 12 inch cock. she said i should be happy at the thought she was thinking of me when she was banging him. i said unless i grew four inches that was bullshit and that this wont go anywhere and i left.

I was really starting to like her hence asking if this was a normal thing on here, wanted to see if others thought i was getting played and turns out i was. better to find out now than after i guess.

[+] 1 user Likes FinalFantasyRulez's post
Quote: literally no hesitation she told me she is still going over some dudes house now and then, but she said its ok as they have been friends with benefits for years and that it is just sex
You dodged a bullet there alright. She has some serious issues going on if she thinks fucking her fwb on the side and then "dating" you officially is totally fine and dandy. Women don't have the concept of loyalty, which is what you wanted out of her. Even then, there's something very broken inside of her, especially if she thinks that thinking of her bf while fucking her fwb doesn't count as cheating. Glad you missed that one.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
same here thanks for your advice, you were spot on

[+] 1 user Likes FinalFantasyRulez's post
You're welcome. We guys gotta stick together and help each other. Many, many women, are like car parts you buy at a junk yard: yeah, it fits your card, but it's beat up and dirty, but God only knows if it still works, which is why you hesitate to install it.